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Info Last Updated
January 6, 2025
Flexpa Endpoint ID
Success Rate
The percentage of authorization attempts that successfully complete, from initial redirect through token receipt. This metric directly reflects the reliability and usability of the authorization flow for end users.
Last 6 months
Authorization Overview
The authorization flow is often the biggest barrier to patient access. This dimension evaluates both the technical implementation and user experience.
Token Type
If an endpoint's access token is refreshable, the Token Refresh API can be used to issue a new access token prior to the refresh token expiring. Otherwise, if the access token is non-refreshable, the user is required to re-authorize the application after the access token expires.
Max Auth Period
This is the payer imposed upper bound on the time period for which a user can keep refreshing an access token. Once the maximum authorization period has elapsed, the user is required to re-authorize the application.
No max period
Custom Settings Required?
If an endpoint deviates from the standard authorization flow and custom settings are required. These customizations vary from custom parameters in the authorization or token endpoints, to custom locations for retrieving the patient ID.
FHIR API Implementation
The quality and completeness of the FHIR implementation determines the utility of the API for third-party applications and patients alike.
Lines of Business supported
MedicaidMedicareACA (On Exchange)
CARIN BB Core Profiles
Other USCDI V1 Profiles