Flexpa Portal
Flexpa Portal is an interface designed for developers to manage and provision their test and live mode applications.
You can use the portal to create and manage your applications, set up billing details, and apply for live mode.
Your team can sign up at portal.flexpa.com to create a Flexpa Portal workspace and invite all colleagues to collaborate.
See below for an overview of the functionality available in Flexpa Portal.
Flexpa Portal's homepage guides you through the steps required to get up and running with Flexpa in first Test Mode and then
Live Mode. Each step includes additional documentation to reference, or pointers to the correct tabs in Portal to complete
the step.
Your profile page is simple at the moment, just a place for you to change your display name and password.
#Access token logs
Flexpa Portal provides detailed logs of all patient access tokens generated by your application to aid in troubleshooting
and grant insights into user behaviors. This page displays information about each time Flexpa Link has been opened in
live mode within your application. You can see data like the access token state, the connected endpoint,
and any associated error messages.
This tab is where you will self-service creation and access to your application's API keys.
Test mode application keys are available to be generated or rotated anytime.
Live mode keys are made available after completing the required steps laid out on the homepage.
These steps include filling out a Live Mode Access form, as well as providing payment details via Stripe.
You can create and manage your test and live mode applications, and view your application keys.
#Live mode access
Once you are ready to go live, you can apply for live mode and complete the steps in Going Live.
The Live Mode Access form is a short form detailing more information about your organization.
Flexpa administrators will review your application once complete and you will receive an email notification once your application is approved. This step is necessary to proceed with generating Live Mode keys.
#Payments & Billing
This tab will take you out to Stripe, where you will fill in payment details.
This step is necessary to proceed with generating Live Mode keys.
#Team details
Flexpa supports two roles, member and admin.
Both roles can view API keys, rotate API keys, and view team members.
Only Admins can create and manage applications, set up billing details, and apply for live mode.